Ministry of Planning and Finance

Central Equipment Statistics and Inspection Department


The Central Equipment Statistics and Inspection Department has been implementing for the following responsibilities;

(a)     Keeping record of statistical data of state-owned vehicles, motor cycle’s heavy equipment, vessels, aircrafts, locomotives, coaches, computer and related accessories, office equipment and furniture and those are to be written off.

(b)      Implementation of the annual inspection for stated-owned machineries and equipment with the purpose of using  maximum capacity and full utilization in order to be known the condition and  reality of statistical data.

(c)       Checking and allowing for repair charges of motor vehicles, motor bike and office equipment and distinguish the nationalized vehicles and motor cycle can be useful or demolish. Making ground inspection and accessing the value of machineries of state-owned factories, workshops and cinema in order to do privatization.

(d)      Issuing heraldic vehicles and driver’s salary, oils & lubricants for persons of union level, division and state level, chairperson of own administrative region and persons who were took for high ranking duties. Maintaining and repairing state guest vehicles. Issuing and maintaining the nationalized vehicles and motor cycles.

(e)       Checking the proposal of capital budget of equipment sector for union level of ministries and organization. Monitoring and inspection concern with supplementary budget and allocated budget will be used for other requirements. Supervising the description of machines and specifications in procuring machineries from ministries and organizations and making necessary directive to be procure from domestic or foreign and making procure if necessary. 

(f)       Arranging of transportation for persons of state level and state guest.