Notification of Disbursement of Medium-term Loan from MEB to SMEs

The Government is encouraging development of agricultural and livestock breeding enterprises, small and medium enterprises and construction companies in accord with national economic policies. In doing so, assistance will be provided for acquisition of capital needed for the enterprises in accord with the prescribed rules and regulations. Accordingly, the State-owned Myanma Economic Bank (MEB) will disburse loans to entrepreneurs who are actually running the businesses and in need of capital investments under the special programme.

Loan disbursement programmes are as follows:

Sector Business Sector to Disburse Interest rate Periods

1. Agriculture

2. Livestock breeding

3. Agriculture and livestock breeding and related enterprises

Disbursement via MADB 8.5 % from MEB to MADB, 9% from MADB to entrepreneurs From 3 to 5 years
Small and Medium Enterprises Sector

1. Industries

2. Trading

3. Export products enterprise

4. Import substitute product enterprises

5. Recycling and Energy Saving enterprises

6. Technology-based enterprises and services

Direct disbursement from MEB 9% From 3 to 5 years
Construction Sector 1. Construction 2. Construction materials production enterprises Disbursement via CHDB MEB will give loans to CHDB at 9% interest rate, and CHDB will disburse loans to SMEs at 11% interest rate From 3 to 5 years



Those desirous of borrowing loans in respective sectors are to comply with the restrictions designated by the bank. Borrowers can give movable and immovable properties as surety for the loan. Arrangements have been made for those who cannot afford to pay surety and those who do not have adequate amount of money for surety to be able to link with loan insurance organizations. Entrepreneurs who would like to apply for getting loans can receive detailed information at the nearest branches of the MEB, Myanma Agricultural Development Bank (MADB) and Construction and Housing Estate Development (CHDB) Bank.